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This is a self-guided online meeting for you to learn about CORE’s Roberts Tunnel to Shawnee Power Line Upgrade.

Roberts Tunnel to Shawnee Power Line Upgrade: Welcome Public Open Hosue. Core Electric Cooperative.

Project Overview

CORE will be rebuilding 8.5 miles of transmission line between Roberts Tunnel Substation and Shawnee Substation.

Project Area Map
powerline icon

Rebuilding 8.5 miles of transmission line between Roberts Tunnel Substation and Shawnee Substation

voltage icon

Increasing voltage to 115 kV (current voltage 44 kV) for increased capacity

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Rerouting power lines in select locations

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Replacing aging equipment, structures and poles as needed

substation icon

Upgrading the Shawnee Substation


Why is This Work Necessary?

  1. 1
    Increases reliability to members in the area
  2. 2
    Enables economic growth with added capacity
  3. 3
    Improves accessibility for maintenance
thumbs up

Structure Comparison

Existing Structures

Wood Two Pole

Wood Two Pole

Wood Riser

Wood Riser

Wood Two Pole

Wood Two Pole

Roberts Tunnel Substation

Roberts Tunnel Substation

Shawnee Substation

Shawnee Substation

New Structures*

Steel Angle with Underbuild

Steel Angle with Underbuild

Steel Angle without Underbuild

Steel Angle without Underbuild

Steel Tangent with Underbuild

Steel Tangent with Underbuild

Wood Tangent with Underbuild

Wood Tangent with Underbuild

Wood Tangent without Underbuild

Wood Tangent without Underbuild

Steel Deadend with Underbuild

Steel Deadend with Underbuild

Substation In/Out and Steel Deadend

Substation In/Out and Steel Deadend

* Structures shown below are examples for comparison only

Selection Criteria

Each alternative was evaluated based on the following criteria:

Terrain and maintenance/ building access

Landowner criteria:

  • Larger pieces of land
  • Doesn’t limit land use of the property owner
  • Existing service to customers (coexisting connection to poles)

County land use codes

Feasibility of construction and design constraints

Minimize environmental impacts

map showing eight alernative locations

Alternatives Considered

Each alternative is shown along with the Existing Alignment

Reroute alternative map 1
Reroute alternative map 2
Reroute alternative map 3
Reroute alternative map 4
Reroute alternative map 5
Reroute alternative map 8a
Reroute alternative map 8b
Reroute alternative map 8c

Decision Matrix I

Table Legend

Click to enlarge

Social Criteria Table

Click to enlarge

Cultural Criteria Table

Click to enlarge

Environmental Criteria Table

Click to enlarge

Decision Matrix II

Table Legend

Click to enlarge

County Criteria Table

Click to enlarge

Engineering Criteria Table

Click to enlarge

Shawnee Substation

The Shawnee Substation will be updated as part of this project.

Shawnee substation map

Project Schedule

Work is already underway!

Work Completed to Date:

2021: Existing Conditions Research
2022: Initial Routing and Siting, Routing and Siting Alternatives

What’s Next:

2023: Final Routing and Siting Alignment
2023-2026: Preliminary Engineering, Permitting, Land Acquisition
2026-2027: Construction Begins


What to Expect in Your Community

gate icon

CORE contractors may require access to property corners to complete survey work

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You will receive a postcard from CORE informing you of their work

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CORE contractors will wear high-visibility vests and have CORE emblems on their vehicles

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Work crews may be on your property for short intervals over the duration of the project

Thank You For Joining!

Next Steps


Continued work on the project design


Gather and evaluate feedback


Follow up in the fall with another open house


Work with impacted landowners

Contact Information